
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (LCMS)

Church in the Pines


It's time to follow a new path.

The path to a better life awaits you.

Maybe you've been down the path before, but followed a road that led you away from God.

Now is the time to follow the path back to God. To trust Him to show you the way, the truth and the life you were created to live.

Turn back to God. He' waiting for YOU! 

Fellowship = Togetherness

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church welcomes all people;
to gather around the Word of God;
to share in the promises of the Gospel;
to grow in Christian faith, and
to be a positive influence in our community.
Come join us in fellowship and see God's plan for you. 

You do not walk alone

"The LORD watches over you.. He will watch over your life.
The LORD will watch over your going and your coming from now to eternity." 
Psalm 121: 5, 8 EHV.

Recent Posts

By David Santos 14 Feb, 2022
Greetings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ. The change of seasons is upon us. As you read this, leaves have already begun to change color and fall from some trees. The fall festivals of Reformation day, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas provide great opportunities to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Savior in every season of our lives. By this time, almost everyone who is active in the life of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has seen or is aware of the new spectacular cross that now commands our outdoor chapel space. If you’ve not been back in a while, stop by the parking lot, visit the outdoor chapel and take a peek. This new addition to the chapel is the beginning of a vision for our property which I have shared from the altar and in the recent letters our members have received announcing the plans for the near future. In Habakkuk, 2:2-3 the prophet was told: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Now let me be very clear, I’m no prophet. But I do have a vision of what HTLC can be in our community for the people of God who are searching for hope and healing in an angry, and anxious world. The Lord has provided Holy Trinity and its people a property, location, and opportunity. We can run bravely into the uncertainty of the future knowing that God’s Will is for our good, our blessing and our being His hands and feet in our community, country, and world. The vision revolves around you, your families, children, and grandchildren. The vision situates Holy Trinity as a resource and refuge for a diverse group of people who yearn for love that is lacking, hope that is not hollow and faith that is not fleeting. The vision places HTLC and its members at a crossroads of those who know the love of Christ and those that do not. At the crossroads there is a community. HTLC is the Crossroads. We are the crossing guards that guide others safely. Some will stay to join us. Some will just pass through. All will be changed because they were among us. I’m not suggesting the vision is easy, fast, free, or comfortable for everyone who prefers things remain the way they have always been. I am declaring that the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20 is not a suggestion, but a command. We need to live, what we say we believe. We can. We do. We will. In the power of Christ Jesus. Serving our Savior, Vicar Dave

Office hours:  Mon - Thurs, 9 am-2pm

                        Friday - by appointment
Services:     Sunday - 9 am & 11am
              Wednesday - 7pm

93 Yaphank-Middle Island Rd
Middle Island, NY 11953
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